
You can define a customization: section in the config to configure some aspects of the look and feel of Turnilo.

Theming Turnilo

Turnilo allows you to customize colors of user interface. You should keep in sync values in all subsections here. For example brand CSS variable should match main visualization color.

CSS Variables

Turnilo allows you to override CSS variables to apply your own theming

For example:

    brand: '#829aa3;'
    item-dimension: '#f2cee0;'
    item-dimension-text: white;
    item-measure: '#cef2e0;'
    item-measure-text: white;
    background-brand: white;
    background-brand-text: '#999;'
    background-base: '#fbfbfb;'

Visualisation colors

Turnilo allows you to override colors for charts to apply your own theming. Default values for each field are defined in colors.ts.

  • main property is used for drawing marks (lines, bars, points etc.) whenever Turnilo draws single series.

  • series is an array of colors used for drawing different series marks. For example line chart with two splits will use series colors to distinguish different values from second split.

For example, we can override main color and use Tableu10 color scheme for series:

    main: "#829aa3"
      - "#4e79a7"
      - "#f28e2c"
      - "#e15759"
      - "#76b7b2"
      - "#59a14f"
      - "#edc949"
      - "#af7aa1"
      - "#ff9da7"
      - "#9c755f"
      - "#bab0ab"

By default, Turnilo uses 10 different colors for series. But it is possible to define more and Turnilo will adjust necessary split limits.

Turnilo allows you to set custom customize logo icon by supplying an SVG string respectively.

    customLogoSvg: >
      <svg width="300" height="200"
        <rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="green" />

Header color

Turnilo allows you to set custom header background color supplying a string with CSS color.

  headerBackground: '#2D95CA'

Url Shortener

Turnilo supports url shorteners for generating short links for current view definitions. This is done by defining function body in configuration. Function will receive three arguments, request - node request module, url with current hash, and context which includes: clientIp (the ip of the original client, considering a possible XFF header). Function should return Promise with shortened url as string inside.

For example:

  urlShortener: |
    return request.get('http://tinyurl.com/api-create.php?url=' + encodeURIComponent(url))

Turnilo supports defining external view links with access to dataCube, filter, splits, and timezone objects at link generation time. This is done by defining a function body in the configuration file.

For example:

      - title: Timezone Info
        linkGenerator: >
            return 'http://www.tickcounter.com/timezone/' + timezone.toString().toLowerCase().replace(/\//g, '-');

These custom links will appear in the share menu.

By default, external views are opened in a new tab, but you can disable this by setting sameWindow: true


You can customize the timezones that appear in the header bar dropdown by providing an array of timezone strings.

For example:

  timezones: ['Pacific/Niue', 'Pacific/Marquesas', 'America/Tijuana']

These timezones will appear in the dropdown instead of the default, which are

['America/Juneau', 'America/Los_Angeles', 'America/Yellowknife', 'America/Phoenix', 'America/Denver', 'America/Mexico_City', 'America/Chicago', 'America/New_York', 'America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires', 'Etc/UTC', 'Asia/Jerusalem', 'Europe/Paris', 'Asia/Kathmandu', 'Asia/Hong_Kong', 'Asia/Seoul', 'Pacific/Guam']


Note: Turnilo has very basic support of locale. Right now we are working on finding places in application which should be configurable.

You can set Turnilo locale and override some settings

  base: en-US
      - [J, F, M, A, M, J, J, A, S, O, N, D]

You need to select base locale using POSIX locale identifier. (Right now Turnilo supports only en-US value). You can override following settings:

  • shortDays - array of strings, default: ["S", "M", "T", "W", "T", "F", "S"]

Short day names used in date picker component

  • shortMonths - array of strings, default: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sept", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"]

Short month names used in date picker component

  • weekStart - number, default: 0

Index of day at which week starts. 0 is Sunday. Please note that is purely visual and does not influence #709.

  • exportEncoding - string, default: utf-8

Encoding of files created by export function.

Sentry DSN

Add Sentry DSN to report errors to Sentry. Sentry documentation

  sentryDSN: https://<key>@sentry.io/<project>


You can customize various messages that Turnilo displays in user interface. All messages are optional and will be treated as markdown code.

    dataCubeNotFound: "**This DataCube does not exist**"

List of supported fields:

  • dataCubeNotFound - message displayed when Turnilo cannot find DataCube. Please note that if you have guardDataCubes setting turn on, Turnilo will treat cubes that are not in x-turnilo-allow-datacubes as not existing.